Thèmes et activités de recherche
EvénementsTAP 2018 (co-chair)Invited speaker OBT 2018 Programming and proving with FoCaLiZe: a tour from computer algebra to interoperability applications SETS 2018 (co-chair) Invited speaker Tetrapod (workshop@Flocs2018) NFM 2018 - TAP 2017 - PxTP 2017 (chair) - CP 2017 - CICM 2017 - STAF 2017 Symposium Doctoral TAP 2016 - CP 2016 - F-IDE 2016 - STAF 2016 Doctorial Symposium TAP 2015 - QRS 2015 SETS 2015 - F-IDE 2015 (workshops FM 2015) TAP 2014 QSIC 2014 TAP 2013 QSIC 2013 Journées nationales du GDR GPL TAP 2009 (Test and Proof) TAP 2010 (Test and Proof) TOOLS 2010 CSTVA 2010 TOOLS 2011 Tutorial on Coq (in 2 parts : introduction, verification of a compiler) slides and Coq code
Livre : Apprentissage de la programmation avec OCaml , Catherine Dubois, Valérie Ménissier Morain
Liste complète au format pdf
C. DUBOIS, Un parcours de la programmation à la preuve- 2000. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Universitéd'Evry C. DUBOIS, ML type soundness within Coq, Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics : 13th International Conference, TPHOLs 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1869, 2000, Springer-Verlag, 126-144, Portland, Oregon, USA pdf . Coq code C. DUBOIS, F. ROUAIX, P. WEIS.Extensional Polymorphism. Proc.of the 22nd POPL, ACM press, ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on PrinciplesOf Programming Languages, (1995). C. DUBOIS, V. MÉNISSIER-MORAIN.A proved type inference tools for ML: Damas-Milner within Coq (work in progress). In J. von Wright,J. Grundy and J. Harrison, editors, Supplementary Proc. of 9th Int. Conf.Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, pp. 15-30, (1996). C. DUBOIS. Sûreté du typage de ML : Spécificationet Preuve en Coq. 9èmes Journées Francophones des LangagesApplicatifs, (1998). pdf . C. DUBOIS, V. VIGUIÉ DONZEAU-GOUGE. A step towards the mechanization of partial functions : domains as inductive predicates. CADE-15, Workshopon Mechanization of Partial Functions, (1998).pdf . C. DUBOIS, R. GAYRAUD. Compilation de la sémantique naturelle vers ML. 10èmes Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs,(1999). C. DUBOIS, V. MÉNISSIER-MORAIN.Certification of a type inference tool for ML: Damas-Milner within Coq. Journal of Automated Reasoning,Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol 23, No 3-4, 319-346. pdf M. JAUME, C. DUBOIS, Formalisation of general logics in the calculus of inductive constructions: Towards an abstract development to assist formal specification of logics, Research report 37-1999, LaMI,University ofEvry, 1999. F. LEDOUX, J-M. MOTA, A. ARNOULT, C. DUBOIS, P. LE GALL, Y. BERTRAND,Spécificationsformelles
du chanfreinage - In Proceedings AFADL2001, 2001. àparaître
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