There has been a call for papers for a special issue of the London Mathematical Society's Journal of Computational Mathematics for Calculemus 2003 going from the conference end up to January 2004. The intention was to select the best papers from the Calculemus 2003 conference and an agreement has been made not to publish the call for papers outside the community.

We got few submissions of revised papers and we have not been in touch with the JCM untll almost one year after the conference. Refereeing thus began very late.

As it is usual for Computer Science topics much of the originality of the papers disappears while software and techniques evolve and this might be the reason why we had difficulties to find valuable referees for the LMS submissions.

I however think that most reports, though many were not positive enough, were valuable and showed that we could not pass the threshold for an LMS special issue. For most submissions, one non enthusiastic referee motivated rejection. Authors who did not receive negative comments have been invited to resubmit independently of the special issue.

I would like to thank all the submitters and referees for their contribution to Calculemus and regret that we cannot further disseminate our scientific interests.

Remember that the Calculemus informal proceedings are available on line at

Thérèse Hardin, Renaud Rioboo
Calculemus 2003 Co-chairs