I'm an Associate Professor in Computer Science (Maîtresse de conférences) at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise (ENSIIE) and a member of the ACMES team, at the Samovar laboratory (Télécom SudParis/IP Paris). I'm also a member of the Property Graph Schema Working Group (PGSWG) and of the European Research Network on Formal Proofs (EuroProofNet). Currently, I am working on the application of formal methods to the design and verification of (graph) database algorithms and applications.

🗓️ For online meetings, you can schedule a meeting in my calendar. Please email first if we don't know each other.


Research Topics


  • Book Chapters

  • International Journals

  • International Conferences (Regular Papers)

  • International Conferences (Short Papers)

  • International Workshops

  • Demo Papers

  • National Conferences

  • Preprints

  • Manuscripts

    Also on DBLP, Google Scholar, HAL , and Research Gate.

    Research Internship Supervision


    TPs and TDs denote computer practicals and, respectively, blackboard teaching sessions. Mn and Ln denote the nth year of a 2-year Master program and, respectively, of a 3-year Bachelor program. All classes are in French, unless marked otherwise. Topic-wise, the subjects I have taught are: databases, functional programming, logic and theorem proving, mathematics, and foundations of software engineering.





    The associated developments for the AQP tool and the certified graph/deductive database inference engines:
