I am an Associate Professor in Computer Science (Maîtresse de conférences) at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise (ENSIIE) and a member of the ACMES team, at the Samovar laboratory (Télécom SudParis/IP Paris). I also participate in the Property Graph Schema Working Group (PGSWG) and in the European Research Network on Formal Proofs (EuroProofNet). Currently, I am working on the application of formal methods to the design and verification of (graph) database algorithms and applications.
🗓️ For online meetings, you can schedule a slot in my calendar. Please email first if we do not know each other. News- 🗣️ Looking forward to giving a keynote at the 30th edition of the FAC days (Journées Formalisation des Activités Concurrentes) in Toulouse
- 🚀 The ANR JCJC VERDI "Verified Foundations of Large-Scale Distributed Graph Systems" (2025-2029) is funded! Interested in a Ph.D. on this topic @ Institut Polytechnique de Paris' doctoral school? You can email me!
- 🌐 Co-organizing the VLDB Summer School 2025 in Poland! More details 🔜
- 🌐 Co-organising the 8th Joint Workshop on Graph Data Management Experiences & Systems (GRADES) and Network Data Analytics (NDA) @ SIGMOD/PODS 2025!
- 🌐 Co-organising the 1st Workshop on Transforming Graph Data (TGD) - recently accepted @ EDBT 2025!
- 📢 Publicity Chair for EDBT/ICDT 2026! Follow us on LinkedIn, BlueSky, and X and submit your best works!
- 📢 Publicity Chair for ICDE 2025! Follow us on LinkedIn and X and consider contributing ☺️ Deadlines: 25/11/24 (research, industry, application papers) - 06/12/24 (Data Engineering Future Technologies).
- 🌐 Co-organising the VLDB Summer School in Cluj, Romania, 23-26th July 2024. Previous edition: here.
- Thrilled to join the Prospects of Formal Mathematics Trimester at HIM Bonn, June-July 2024.
- Happy to be invited speaker at the MaDICS Symposium, 30 May 2024.
- Invited participant: Dagstuhl Seminar 24102 "Shapes in Graph Data: Theory and Implementation", Mars 2024.
- Invited participant: Dagstuhl Seminar 23441 "Ensuring the Reliability and Robustness of DBMSs".
- Invited participant: Dagstuhl Seminar 23401 "Automated mathematics: integrating proofs, algorithms and data".
- 🏆 SIGMOD Best Paper Award 2023: PG-Schema: Schemas for Property Graphs.
- 🏆 SIGMOD Research Highlight Award 2023: Threshold Queries.
- 🏆 VLDB 2022: Best Regular Research Paper Runner-Up for Threshold Queries in Theory and in the Wild.
- As of 2023, I'm a member of the editoral board of the Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge journal.
- In 2026, I'm in the PC of EDBT. In 2025, I'm in the PC of VLDB, SIGMOD, ICDE, EDBT, DBTest, and DOLAP.
- In 2024, I was in the PC of VLDB, SIGMOD, WWW (Graph Algorithm and Modeling for the Web Track), ICDE (Demo Track), DOLAP, SEA Graph, CIKM, and DEBS PhD Workshop Co-chair. 2023 PCs: NeurIPS GLFrontiers, VLDB, ICDE, WWW, EDBT, CIKM, WSDM, JFLA, BDA, FRCCS. 2022 PCs: ICDE, WWW, CIKM, SIGMOD, MEDI, JFLA, DBTest, SBLP.
- In 2021, I was in the PC of: EDBT (CfP), SIGMOD Demo (CfP), MEDI (CfP), POPL AE (CfP), PLDI AE (CfP), GRADES-NDA@SIGMOD (CfP), PxTP-7@CADE (CfP), PPDP (CfP), SBLP (CfP), SFDI@VLDB (CfP). Previous service.
- D4Gen Hackathon: 3rd prize as expert accompanying the PANORAMA project.
- Invited participant: Dagstuhl Seminar 21442 "Ensuring the Reliability and Robustness of DBMSs".
- [23/06/21] Presentation of the PG-Keys article at SIGMOD 2021.
- The vision article on the future of graph processing systems, written together with fellow Dagstuhl Seminar 19491 participants, got accepted to the Communications of the ACM Journal! You can read it here.
- Invited seminar at the IMDEA Institute on the mechanically verified VerDILog graph query engine.
- Presentation of the GRASP tool for approximate querying on graph summaries at SUM.
- Invited participant: Dagstuhl Seminar 19491 "Big Graph Processing Systems".
Research Topics
- formalization of high-level languages and declarative programming
- certification of inference engines for relational, deductive, and graph databases
- proof assistants (Coq, Isabelle) and logical frameworks (Twelf/LF, MMT)
- computer-aided formal verification of mathematics
- foundations of mathematics (logic, category theory, type theory)
- Graph Summarization ,
with A.Bonifati, H.Kondylakis, Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies'23
- PG-Schema: Schemas for Property Graphs ,
with R. Angles, A. Bonifati, G. Fletcher, A. Green, J. Hidders, B. Li, L. Libkin, V. Marsault, W. Martens, F. Murlak, S. Plantikow, O. Savkovic, M. Schmidt, J. Sequeda, S. Staworko, D. Tomaszuk, H. Voigt, D. Vrgoc, M. Wu, and D. Zivkovic, Proc. ACM Manag. Data 1(2): 198:1-198:25 (2023) - How Does Knowledge Evolve in Open Knowledge Graphs?,
with A. Polleres, R. Pernisch, A. Bonifati, D. Dell'Aglio, D. Dobriy, L. Etcheverry, N. Ferranti, K. Hose, E. Jiménez-Ruiz, M. Lissandrini, A. Scherp, R. Tommasini, J. Wachs
TGDK 1(1): 11:1-11:59, 2023 - Knowledge Graph Embeddings: Open Challenges and Opportunities,
with R. Biswas, L. Kaffee, M. Cochez, T. Jendal, M. Lissandrini, V. López, E. Mencía, H. Paulheim, H. Sack, E. Vakaj, G. Melo, TGDK 1(1): 4:1-4:32, 2023 - Threshold Queries,
with A.Bonifati, G.Fletcher, J.Hidders, M.Hofer, W.Martens, F.Murlak, J.Shinavier, S.Staworko, D.Tomaszuk,
Sigmod Record '23 (Invited Paper) - Threshold Queries in Theory and in the Wild,
with A.Bonifati, G.Fletcher, J.Hidders, M.Hofer, W.Martens, F.Murlak, J.Shinavier, S.Staworko, D.Tomaszuk,
Proc. of VLDB Endowment'22 - The Future is Big Graphs! A Community View on Graph Processing Systems,
with S.Sakr, A.Bonifati, A.Iosup, H.Voigt, and participants of the Dagstuhl Seminar 19491,
Communications of the ACM'21 - Graph Queries: From Theory to Practice ,
with A.Bonifati, ACM Sigmod Record'18, vol. 47, Nº 4: 5-16.
DB Principles Column (Invited Paper) - Certified Graph View Maintenance with Regular Datalog ,
with A.Bonifati and E.J.Gallego Arias,
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Journal, TPLP'18, vol. 18, Nº 3-4: 372-389;
presented at the 34th International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP@FLoC'18, Oxford, UK. VerDILog Code
- Progressive Querying on RDF Graphs,
with A.Bonifati, H.Kondylakis, G.Troullinou, G. Vassiliou, EDBT'25, Barcelona, Spain. - Checking Transaction Isolation Violations Using Graph Queries,
with Z.Jin, B.K. Ozkan, J. Qiu, ICGT'24, Twente, Netherlands. - PG-Keys: Key Constraints for Property Graphs ,
with members of the Property Graph Schema Working Group, SIGMOD'21, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. - Approximate Querying on Property Graphs,
with A.Bonifati, A. Nazabal and R. Vuillemot,
Scalable Uncertainty Management, SUM'19, Compiègne, France. - Certifying Standard and Stratified Datalog Inference Engines in SSReflect,
with V.Benzaken and E.Contejean,
Interactive Theorem Proving, ITP'17, Brasilia, Brazil: 171 - 188, LNCS 10499.
DatalogCert Code - A Coq Formalization of the Relational Data Model ,
with V.Benzaken and E.Contejean,
European Symposium on Programming, ESOP'14, Grenoble, France: 189 - 208, LNCS 8410.
- A Flexible GraphQL Northbound API for Intent-based SDN Applications,
with F.Bannour, D.Lu,
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, NOMS'22, Budapest, Hungary. - Hierarchical Clustering for Property Graph Schema Discovery,
with A.Bonifati, N.Mir,
Extending Database Technology, EDBT'22, Edinburgh/Virtual, UK.
- Integrating Complex Pangenome Graphs,
with J. Arnoux, A. Bonifati, A.Calteau, G.Gautreau,
SEAGraph@ICDE'24, Enschede, NL: 350-354. - A graph-database approach to assess the impact of demand-responsive services on public transit accessibility,
with C. Le Hasif, A. Araldo, D. Watel,
IWCTS@SIGSPATIAL'22, Seattle, US: 2:1-2:4. - A Case Study on Formalizing Algebra in a Module System ,
with F.Horozal and K.Sojakova,
Modules and Libraries for Proof Assistants, MLPA'09, Montreal, Canada: 11 - 18, ACM 429.
- GRAIL: Checking Transaction Isolation Violations with Graph Queries,
with Z. Jin, B.K. Ozkan, J. Qiu
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE'24, Lisbon, Portugal - PING: Progressive Querying on RDF Graphs,
with A. Bonifati, H. Kondylakis, G. Troullinou, G. Vassiliou,
International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC'23, Athens, Greece - DiscoPG: Property Graph Schema Discovery and Exploration,
with A.Bonifati, E.Martinez, F.Ghasemi, M.Jaffre, P.Luton, T.Pickles,
International Conference on Very Large Databases, VLDB'22, Sydney, Australia - GOX: Towards a Scalable Graph Database-Driven SDN Controller,
with F.Bannour and Alex Danduran-Lembezat,
International Conference on Network Softwarization, NetSoft'22, Milan, Italy
- Une formalisation en Coq du modèle relationnel de données ,
with V.Benzaken and E.Contejean,
Actes des Septièmes Journées Nationales GDR-GPL'15 (Invited Paper), Bordeaux, France: 83 - 86.
- Approximate Evaluation of Label-Constrained Reachability Queries,
with A.Bonifati, A. Nazabal Ruiz-Diaz, and R.Vuillemont.
- A Coq Formalization of Relational and Deductive Databases - and Mechanization of Datalog,
PhD Thesis, Université Paris-Sud, Defended: 02/12/2016 - A Type Theory with Reflection,
MSc Thesis, Jacobs University Bremen, 2012 - Structured Specification with Hiding in the Edinburgh Logical Framework LF,
BSc Thesis, Jacobs University Bremen, 2010
Research Internship Supervision
- 01/06-01/08/2022, Zhao JIN (1er année/L3)
GRAIL: Checking Isolation Violations with Graph Queries
(with Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan and Jingxuan Qiu, Delft University of Technology) - 01/05-31/10/2022, Cathia LE HASIF (3ème année/M2)
A graph-database approach to assess the impact of demand-responsive services on public transit accessibility (IWCTS@SIGSPATIAL 2022 Full Paper) - 25/05-25/08/2021, Alex DANDURAN-LEMBEZAT (2ème année/M1)
GOX: Towards a Scalable Graph Database-Driven SDN Controller (NetSoft 2022 Demo Paper) - 25/05-25/08/2021, Damien LU (2ème année/M1)
A Flexible GraphQL Northbound API for Intent-based SDN Applications (NOMS 2022 Short Paper)
- 01/06-01/08/2022, Zhao JIN (1er année/L3)
- Univ. Lyon 1 & LIRIS
- 25/05-10/09/2021, Nicolas MIR (2ème année/M1)
Hierarchical Clustering for Property Graph Schema Discovery (EDBT 2022 Short Paper) - 03-09/2018, Amaia Nazábal RUIZ DIAZ (2ème année/M1)
Approximate Query Processing on Property Graph Summaries (SUM 2019 Full Paper)
- 25/05-10/09/2021, Nicolas MIR (2ème année/M1)
TPs and TDs denote computer practicals and, respectively, blackboard teaching sessions. Mn and Ln denote the nth year of a 2-year Master program and, respectively, of a 3-year Bachelor program. All classes are in French, unless marked otherwise. Topic-wise, the subjects I have taught are: databases, functional programming, logic and theorem proving, mathematics, and foundations of software engineering.- Maitre de Conférences, ENSIIE, since 09/2019:
- (Main Course) Graph Databases (GDA) - M1
- (Main Course) Functional Programming (IPF) - L3 & M1
- Formal Languages & Software Verification (LFL) - [TD + TP OCaml] - M1
- Introduction to Databases (CBDR) [TD + TP SQL] - L3
- Imperative Programming (IPI) - [TP C/C++] - L3
- Web Programming (PWR) - [TP PHP] - L3 (only in 2019-2020)
- Vacataire, Université Paris-Saclay, since 2021:
- (Main Course) Database Reliability & Safety - M2 (Master DataScale - UVSQ)
- (Project Course) Clustering Algorithms for Graph Data - M2 (Master DataScale - UVSQ)
- (Main Course) Advanced Topics in Databases - M2 (Master Data Science - Université d'Évry)
- Vacataire, ENS de Lyon, since 2021:
- (Project Course) Schema Inference for Property Graphs - M1
- Vacataire, Université Rennes 1, 2018-2019: 40h
- Introduction to Software Engineering (GEN) - [TP Scala] - L2
- Vacataire, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2016-2018: 71h
- Deductive Databases (BDD) - [TD (10h) + TP Java & Datalog (20h)] - M1
- Web Programming (LIAFP)] - [TD (3h) + TP JavaScript (18h)] - L2
- Numerical Methods - [TD (20h)] - L3
- ATER, Université Paris-Saclay, 2015-2016: 95h
- Mathematics for Computer Science [ TP C/C++ & Coq(40h)] - L2
- Introduction to Functional Programming - [ TP OCaml (16h)] - L2
- Advanced Functional Programming - [TP OCaml (39h)] - L3
- Monitrice, IUT d'Orsay, 2013-2015: 128h
- Database Programming and Administration - [TD (63h) + TP Oracle SQL (32h)] - L1
- Advanced Databases - [TP Java/Oracle SQL (32h)] - L2
- Teaching Assistant, Jacobs University Bremen, 2008-2010
- Mathematics Support Center - L1-L3
- General Mathematics and Computational Science - L1
- Admission Exams:
- Concours Mines-Télécom: Examiner in the 2022-2025 editions.
- Thesis Committees:
- 2025: Ayush Pandey. CALock: verrouillage topologique à granularité multiple de données hiérarchiques. Ph.D. Sorbonne Université. 17/03/2025. Examiner.
- 2024: Luisa Werner. Intégration neuro-symbolique de l'extraction de connaissances et du raisonnement sur les graphs. Ph.D. Grenoble Alpes University. 11/12/2024. Examiner.
- 2023: Amela Fejza. Sur l'optimisation de l'énumération de plans récursifs avec une application aux requêtes de graphes de propriétés. Ph.D. Grenoble Alpes University. 11/01/2023. Examiner.
- 2022: Donato Tiano. Learning Models on Healthcare Data with Quality Indicators. Ph.D. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. 08/12/2022. Examiner.
- 2022: Ousmane Issa. Les réponses aux requêtes dirigées par la qualité et leur raffinement. Ph.D. Clermont Ferrand University. 21/02/2022. Examiner.
- 2021: Pierre-Léo Bégay. Développement et certification en Coq/MathComp d'optimisations Datalog pour la vérification réseau. Ph.D. Grenoble Alpes University. 23/11/2021. Examiner.
- Session Chairmanship:
- 2022: [29/04] Structured Learning Session - Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms Research Papers Track @ The Web Conference
- 2021: [08/09] Applications Session 9 @ PPDP, [26/03] Graph Management Session 13 @ EDBT
- PC Member:
- 2023
- VLDB International Conference (PVLDB Review Board Member Volume 16: April 2022 - March 2023)
- ICDE International Conference on Data Engineering
- The Web Conference
- EDBT International Conference - Regular Research Papers Track
- JFLA Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs
- WSDM International Conference
- 2022
- MEDI International Conference
- CIKM International Conference
- SIGMOD International Conference
- DBTest @ SIGMOD International Workshop
- ICDE International Conference on Data Engineering
- The Web Conference
- JFLA Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs
- BSPL Brasilian Symposium on Programming Languages
- 2021
- EDBT International Conference - Regular Research Papers Track
- PPDP International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
- MEDI International Conference - Regular Research Papers Track
- PxTP International Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving
- BSPL Brasilian Symposium on Programming Languages
- SIGMOD International Conference - Demo Track
- POPL International Conference - Artifact Evaluation Track
- PLDI International Conference - Artifact Evaluation Track
- GRADES-NDA @ SIGMOD International Workshop
- SFDI @ VLDB International Workshop
- 2020
- EDBT International Conference - Regular & Short Research Papers Tracks
- The Coq Workshop
- POPL International Conference - Artifact Evaluation Track
- Subreviewer:
PODS 2022, IJCAR 2020, TYPES 2019 , PODS 2019 , VLDB 2019 , VLDB 2018 , PODS 2017 , VLDB 2017 - Journal Review:
- Administrative Duties:
- DataScale Master (Univ. Paris-Saclay) Liaison Responsability.
- With Evelyne Contejean, I have coordinated the TransForm working group (Labex DigiCosme, 2019-2020).
- Scientific Board Membership (Commissions Consultatives de Spécialistes @Universite Paris-Saclay).
- Scientific Board Membership (Conseil Scientifique @ENSIIE, 2021 - 2026).
- Recruiting Committee Membership (Comité de Sélection) for Assistant Professor positions:
- 2024: IRIT/Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (MCF 4880)
- 2023: IRIF/Université Paris Cité (MCF 334/335/336).
- 2023: IUT Bourg-en-Bresse/Université Lyon 1 (MCF 4708).
- 2023: LISN/Université Paris-Saclay (MCF 420).
- 2021: SAMOVAR/ENSIIE (MCF 522).
- Course Responsability: Advanced Databases (GDA) & Blockchain (BLK) courses @ENSIIE
- Elected member of the LRI laboratory council: 2014-2015
- Elected representative of the EDIPS Computer Science PhD Students: 2012-2014
- Student Member of the Organizing Committee: CICM 2012 , NWERC 2010 , ESSLLI 2009
- Outreach Involvement:
- Programme Mentorat Paris-Saclay "Women & Science" 2022
- SIGPLAN-M (Long-Term Mentor)
- Declics (Popularising CS topics to high-school students)
- Gender Parity in Academia (CGE Working Group).
- 2018 - 2019
I was a postdoctoral researcher in the INRIA team Celtique, at the IRISA laboratory, working with David Pichardie, in the context of his ERC Consolidator "Verified Static Analysis Platform" project. - 2017 - 2018
I was a postdoctoral researcher at Université Lyon 1, where I collaborated with Angela Bonifati, in the context of the ANR DataCert project. - 2012 - 2016
I earned a PhD in Computer Science, at Université Paris-Sud, in the VALS team, at the LRI research laboratory, supervised by Véronique Benzaken and Evelyne Contejean. - 2007 - 2012
I studied at Jacobs University, where I obtained a BSc in Mathematics and a MSc in Computer Science. I was part of the KWARC team, working in the LATIN project, supervised by Florian Rabe and Michael Kohlhase . - I was born and grew up in Iasi, Romania. During my junior and senior secondary education, I attended the Costache Negruzzi and, respectively, the Emil Racovita National Colleges.
- 10/07/2024, Towards a Knowledge Graph of Formalized Mathematics,
Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany - 30/05/2024, Property Graph Schema: Specification & Discovery,
MaDICS Symposium, Blois, France - 20/07/2022, Graph Query Processing Techniques,
NOVA University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal - 09/06/2020, Mechanically Verified Graph Query Processing ,
IMDEA Software Institute , Madrid, Spain - 17/12/2019, Approximate Querying on Property Graphs , SUM International Conference , Compiègne, France
- 02/12/2019, Graph Query Processing Techniques , Dagstuhl Seminar: Big Graph Processing Systems , Dagstuhl, Germany
- 23/02/2019, Certified Graph Query Processing , EUTypes Workshop @ Lambda Days , Krakow, Poland
- 31/01/2019, Foundational Approaches to Graph Query Processing , LIMOS Seminar , University of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- 15/07/2018, Certified Graph View Maintenance with Regular Datalog , 34th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP) @ Federated Logic Conference (FLoC), University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
- 18/06/2018, Certified Graph View Maintenance with Regular Datalog , Plume Seminar , Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon, Lyon, France
- 14/11/2017, Certifying Deductive Database Engines with Coq/SSReflect , LFCS Seminar , University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- 26/09/2017, Certifying Standard and Stratified Datalog Inference Engines in SSReflect , 8th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP) , University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil
- 02/07/2014, Toward Data Intensive System Certification , DigiCosme Paris-Saclay Research Day , Orsay, France
- 22/01/2013, Certifying Data-Centric Languages and Systems , Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) @ Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), Rome, Italy
- 01/07/2010, Structuring Theories with Partial Morphisms , 20th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT), Schloss Etelsen, Germany
The associated developments for the AQP tool and the certified graph/deductive database inference engines:- GRASP (with A.Bonifati, A.Nazabal, R.Vuillemont) :
approximate evaluation of count queries on summaries of property graphs - VerDILog (with A.Bonifati and E.J.Gallego-Arias) :
certified, incremental graph view evaluation & maintenance for regular Datalog - DatalogCert (PhD supervisors: V.Benzaken and E.Contejean) :
certified evaluation engines for standard and stratified Datalog